
domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


Today is the last sunday of October. This week, we have gone to Lucía's house on Wednesday, we have begun with our new subjects of our new timetable. On Tuesday, Patricia and I are going to participate in an athletics competition. So, we have practised in Lucía's house. Some people of our class are going to participate, but I don´t know how many people.

Last Wednesday was the Real Madrid-Juventus Champions League match.The referee benefited Real Madrid so our classmates were angry.

Next Thursday, we have a French test. It's a verbs exam. We have done it in Spain, so I think it won't be difficult. Anyway, we studied yesterday in the break with Laura, a classmate who helped us.

The new timetable means that we have to go to another classes to have Spanish literature, Phisics and Chemistry, because we are doing the Languages School and we are doing a bit of Science. We are going to do Literature because the are classes that do Literature in Spanish lessons. And we have to teach Spanish to a student who don't know much Spanish.

Yesterday, it was Daria's birthday party.. She didn't know that there were thirty friends in the house and when she saw all people she became very happy. Her birthday is tomorrow but it's better to celebrate it on the weekend.

See you


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